
Livro já está à venda!

Já está à venda o livro 'Horizontes em Branco' que relata as primeiras expedições do projecto Ice Care!

O livro inclui as viagens entre Paris e a Suiça de bicicleta; a travessia do glaciar Aletsch; os dias passados entre as tribos Maasai no Quénia e a subida ao Kilimanjaro!

Um livro a não perder para todos os amantes de viagens, de aventura e para os que andam simplesmente preocupados com a forma como tratamos o nosso planeta e a nós próprios.

Espero que gostem e quero receber os vossos comentários!

Já agora o book trailer para aguçar o apetite!


Working with the communities

Marcos and Zé chatting about the work with communities affected by climate change


On the way to Pastoruri

Pastoruri glacier

Tourists lost interest since the glacier split in half. Access to the glacier is almost impossible these days. Tours have nearly ceased, and the glacier is visited only for studying purposes.

Pastoruri glacier melting – at Huascarán park in Peru

For those who still have some doubts about climate change really happening…

We were there. We’ve seen it.


School above the 4.000 m

On our way to the Pastoruri glacier (or ex-glacier, since it’s not even called a glacier anymore), we stopped at the great school at more than 4.000 m high. The children seemed undisturbed by the altitude sickness.


Peru expedition Day 1

On the first day we drove from Lima to Huaraz, on this insane road, carved in the sand.


Celebrities join the ICE CARE Project

Marcos Palmeira, the Brazilian soap opera actor, has accepted the challenge to join the next ICE CARE expedition to Peru, in June.
Actively involved in creating awareness about sustainability in Brazil (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHdB_fva4Kk) Marcos Palmeira also a spokesman for biological agriculture, that he practices at his own farm - (http://www.fazendavaledaspalmeiras.com.br/).
You too can join us in this dream expedition and witness the redraw of the glaciers at Cordilheira Branca in Peru.
Join the expedition at: