

The choice of ICE CARE’s 5 glaciers, was based on a document by UNESCO, entitled: “Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage”
The report highlights 5 glaciers that are dramatically affected by climate change. These are the glaciers we will climb from 2009 until 2012.
UNESCO’s report was coordinated by Augustin Colette, at the time UNESCO’s consultant for climate change. In a recent conversation (by e-mail), he sent me an enthusiastic: “…congratulations for this exciting project!”
Because it’s absolutely pro bono, ICE CARE puts me at a state that borders the statute of divinity and of furious madman! That’s probably why people indulge to pay some attention to my requests.
Driven by Colette’s reassuring statement, about ICE CARE’s public interest, I’ll probably get in touch with UNESCO to set up some kind of collaboration protocol.
UNESCO’s stamp provides enough confidence, that we’ve chosen the right glaciers…unfortunately, these glaciers were selected primarily because of the amount of data available to document the impacts of climate change….there are of course other glaciers currently at risk…



Ice Care started as a ‘civil movement’ (as someone put it in a meeting), by a couple of friends who like to climb, but know little about climate change.

Soon enough this naïf attitude was cornered and proved unsustainable in the long term.

Tiago Bettencourt suggested I would prepare a tutorial about global warming – with all due right.

Recently I came across Zé Diogo Quintela (rather famous Portuguese humorist) on the street. We’ve known each other for ages, so I invited him to become the first official Ice Care ambassador. He throws a couple of intelligent questions at me – which is quite normal for someone publicly endorsing a cause.

- ‘Is it really happening? Isn’t our climate naturally variable? Why is it different now? Is it really serious?’

- ‘can we really do something? Switching off mobile chargers has any effect whatsoever?’

Natural and healthy skepticism, I would say – very common to the majority of people, like me and him, who need a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good reason to decline the comforts of ignorance.

By then I’d realize the urge to explain the dimensions of the problem to everyone (like me and him….).

In London I found an excellent book by Bill McGuire - '7 years to change the planet’. Based on that book, I’m preparing a sequence of ppts with Q&A according to the following issues:

1. What is happening already?
2. Is it already too late?
3. What is Ice Care doing?
4. What can I do?

In the meanwhile, here are some ideas that can be applied immediately:

. Eat less meat! – we’ve exhorted the guilt upon cars and planes, but ‘…the meat industry conspires to generate an astonishing 12% of global emissions […]almost as much as all cars, trains, boats and planes put together.’

. Switch off unused equipments! – if everyone in the UK ‘…made sure that the appliances were properly switched off when not in use, we could do away with 2, or maybe 3, of the 10 new nuclear power plants currently in the planning stages.’


First Book

Congratulations Ice Care! Congratulations Zé Diogo to be more precise!

He’s first book “Aventura ao Máximo – os novos exploradores lusos” will be launched in the end of December!
I expect this to be the first of a long series of traveling and adventure books.


Treino fim de semana 15 e 16

Para além da preparação física semanal, alguns membros da expedição já começaram a fazer treino específico para o Kilimanjaro.
Já fizemos alguns treinos de pernas, bicicleta e resistência.

A partir de agora, vamos passar a divulgar no blog os treinos em equipa, que organizarmos ao fim de semana. A ideia é – quem quiser participar é bem vindo!

No próximo Sábado, estamos a combinar encontrarmo-nos às 9h na Guia (bomba da Repsol) e/ou às 9:20h na Panisol da Malveira – podem aparecer num ou noutro.
A ideia é fazer umas subidas à Peninha (cerca de 3horas), que podem incluir, no fim, um treino de escalada em rocha – mas ainda não decidimos, porque isso seriam outras tantas 3 horas pelo menos e eu preciso de dar assistência à família.
Não é preciso levarem equipamento técnico de escalada – nós levamos, até porque queremos levar algum lastro.
É preciso levar bom calçado, água e comida (barras energéticas ou sanduíches).

Quem quiser vir numa de passeio, também pode. Desde que depois se sinta à vontade para fazer o percurso ao seu ritmo, independente do resto do grupo.

See you there


Trash attitude

The ultimate goal of the Ice Care project is to induce a few changes in daily behaviors. That’s all!

I recommend this enlightening 21 minute movie.

Back when I was living in the Netherlands, through several different conversations, I came to realize, different countries have different ways to apply their norms.
In Nordic countries everything is regulated by law – it’s either mandatory or forbidden.
In the US everyone can be sued – the courts settle everything.
In Portugal everything is socially regulated – either it’s socially accepted and everyone does it, or it’s rude.
As awkward as it may seam, we have observed this in very many different cases.

That configures my ambition. To create the social attitude in Portugal, that socially condemns non eco-friendly behaviors.

On the phone with my friend yesterday, I told him I was at the train station, on my way to Lisbon. (I live in Estoril - 20 min away)
His first reaction was: “What’s wrong with your car?!?!”
I’m hoping, in the future, this story will become like an anecdote of the way things used to be.
This represents the typical (very typical) Portuguese attitude, which is neither driven by intelligence nor logic.

In a nutshell, I’m aiming to change this kind of attitude of waste of precious resources, in our everyday life.


Organizing the expedition

Ascending the Kilimanjaro is not the most endeavoring human challenge, but it’s far from being a walk in the park.

Organizing the expedition requires rigorous planning and expertise.

Have a look at the first video of the preparation:


Ice Care sponsored by MEO

Whenever I mention the Ice Care project the idea is pretty well accepted!

People like the cause, like the adventure, like the Kilimanjaro and like Africa.
There’s something romantic about this project, that makes people breath differently for a while.
Ice Care brings out the dreamer in each one of us – which has been a little blurred by the crises.

Part of the credit, is due to the project itself – it’s pretty ‘round’, pretty well thought of.
The few pessimistic thoughts generally have to do with the economic situation:
- ‘You can’t expect to get sponsored by banks’
- ‘Everyone is afraid nowadays’

Fortunately, a few solid companies, understand the market volatility and adopted a ‘show must go on’ attitude!
That’s what I’ve found, with rejoice, last week on my meeting with MEO.
Following the agreement with Sapo, to become another Ice Care media partner, Portugal Telecom continues to support our initiative.
MEO set up a budget to support the Ice Care project, thus becoming our first official sponsor!

During the meeting, we have naturally discussed the issues concerning the visibility plans and return of investment, but also the pioneering and human value of the project.
It’s rare to have Portuguese people engaged in a global cause, and developing projects at a international level.

Congratulations MEO for your vision and thanks for your vital support!


Portuguese antropologist Joana Roque de Pinho is helping out with Ice Care

Recently I came across na interview with Joana Roque de Pinho, in TSF (portuguese news radio broadcaster).

Joana is taking her Ph.D. in Human Ecology at Colorado University.
For her thesis, she lived for 2 years, among the Maasai tribe in Kenya.

I established contact with Joana immediately upon listening to the interview. Since then, we’ve been spending some time discussing ideas over phone and e-mail.

Joana has given a very significant contribution to our field research, providing contacts of local translators, bibliography and further recommendation on local protocol.
The most important contribute resides on the enthusiastic tone of her daily e-mails, from which and can just barely sense the interest of both her thesis and herself.

In a recent e-mail Joana wrote:
by the end of your field research, you can buy a goat and offer a ‘nyama choma’ to your hosts. (they’ll kill it and prepare it themselves). I’m so jealous of you! And I’m missing it so much!
I can imagine! Myself, I’m almost considering staying with the research team and skip the summit.
You are obviously very welcome to join the expedition in May! Finish your thesis quickly and come along!

Thank you very much for everything Joana! Your genuine support has been quite reassuring!
(photo by Margarida Vilas-Boas)
(fotografia de Margarida Vilas-Boas)


Sapo becomes Ice Care media partner

I’ve nurtured quite a chunk of projects in my life, and developed the gut feeling to spot the no-turning-back point.
There is an instant in time, when my projects spring life of their own, thus becoming independent from its creator.
I felt that thrill on my first meeting with Portugal Telecom group. That day the Ice Care became an entity…spread its wings and took off.

We’ve discussed several ideas to implement together.
After this one meeting, I remember talking to a friend saying: ‘Can’t go back now! I really must climb the Kilimanjaro now!’
Meant as a joke, obviously, there’s nothing I want more now than start the expedition.

A couple of weeks later, Sapo formalizes its relationship with Ice Care, as media partner.

On the roadmap there are a few communication activities:
. creation of www.icecare.org;
. hosting of Ice Care blog on Sapo platform;
. on-line communication of several themes such as: environment / ecology / adventure / climate change;
. creation of a video blog with: training videos / expedition videos / pedagogic videos / etc.

This partnership with Sapo is very important for Ice Care, considering the momentum internet content has been gaining, surpassing occasionally the attractiveness of television.
According to my good friend Jorge Vassalo – developer of http://ateondevaiscom1000euros.blogspot.com/ which I strongly recommend to adventure enthusiast – his award winning blog had more than 120.000 unique visitors! And most visitors on Monday mornings, I wonder why?

Thank you Sapo, for your trust and support!


Silva and Gerber brands support the Ice Care Project

Arriving home that day, I felt the urge to play with my new toys!
Men will always be boys, right?

I remember being 12 – spending my day on a bicycle in the narrow streets of Colares, in the middle of summer. There was a compulsory daily visit to the local gun center. We were 5 or 6 boys mesmerized by the shotguns and knifes…we never bought anything. Those were the days of harmless slingshots, useless compasses and pointless flashlights used during the day inside a darkened room. But also of bush knives, twigs sharpened with penknives and bird traps. Can this be the remains of hunter-collector instinct? Maybe...

Lying on my bad, like spoils of a police recovery… I’ve got:
. 2 magnificent SILVA compasses (one Ranger 3 and one Voyager 8040)
. 4 headlamps SILVA with high performance LEDs
. 3 tactic flashlights GERBER – that can use 3 different types of batteries
. 2 sets of GERBER multi-plier and knife GERBER
. 1 knife and axe GERBER Gator Combo Axe
. 1 GERBER Sport Axe

This first set of equipment represents part of SILVA and GERBER support to Ice Care project. Dual Brand, the company representing these and other outdoor brands in Portugal, has been extremely helpful in counseling and supplying equipment.

The know-how and expertise of Ricardo and Tiago (Dual Brand owners), was a priceless support to our project – we are even thinking about creating a series of videos on equipment technical features and usage training, which will be available at the web site http://www.icecare.org/, once it’s on-line.
Thanks Ricardo,
Thanks Tiago,
Thanks SILVA,
...for the equipment and for the memories…


Tiago Bettencourt joins Ice Care expedition

In the year 1985, Bob Geldof organized Live Aid.
Until today, Live Aid remains in our memories and in our hearts (it’s worth remembering ‘there comes a time...’
I dare even the most stoics among you, to view this video without getting at least a little emotional)

During the following years, other artists have followed.
We’ve been witnessing Bono’s initiatives for humanitarian causes.
And more recently the Foo Fighters, engaged the global warming challenge, with the first carbon free CD (meaning the carbon emissions necessary for the production of the CD were compensated by forestation projects sponsored by the band).

Now it’s time for Portugal, at our proper scale, to make the connection between music and global causes.

Today, I was very glad to get the official confirmation that Tiago Bettencourt will participate in the Ice Care expedition!
Tiago strikes me as idealist and irreverent thus, the perfect match for our expedition. Despite preferring ‘…downhill than climbing…’ on a bicycle, Tiago is not afraid of engage in the projects he believes.
Furthermore, climbing Kilimanjaro for a cause, and relating to local communities will certainly provide the artist with lots of inspiration for his future work.

Thank you Tiago, for your support!


National Geographic Channel suppports Ice Care

I couldn’t be much older than 7 or 8, but I still remember the vast collection of National Geographic magazines at my grandmother’s.
I used to spend hours looking at pictures of remote places and familiar animals.
Little did I know that, the prestigious institution would be using my own material years later.

Recently, over lunch with Fox’s country manager, several collaboration possibilities popped up:
. youtube style videos for NGC’s website;
. storyboard production of a program for the international channel;
. some sort of joint exhibition, of the photos of the expedition or even create a DVD.

These and other formats are still in discussion – One thing is certain – The National Geographic Channel endorsement on Ice Care project is a very important reinforcement for us!


Dia de Treino

O projecto Ice Care vive de um conjunto de vontades individuais.
A amiga que ajuda na parte científica. O amigo que faz os contactos com os media. A amiga que dá uma dica de um possível patrocinador.
Esta cadeia de vontades, foi gerada por uma ideia simples, clara e sobretudo inovadora – tornar o aquecimento global VISÍVEL!
Em todos os projectos há um momentum, uma bola de neve, que vai surgindo no passa-palavra. Sinto essa energia crescer diariamente no Ice Care.

Para que isso se mantenha, decidimos realizar um conjunto de eventos de divulgação do projecto.
O Ice Care, como sabem, é um evento ECO-DESPORTIVO, por isso, parece-me lógico que os eventos tenham um pouco das duas coisas.
Assim, planeámos uma série de ‘treinos contextualizados’ – treinos específicos em locais de destaque do ponto de vista ecológico.
Queremos dar a conhecer também o que se tem feito em Portugal, na área das energias renováveis – e acreditem, que já se fez muita coisa boa!

A seu tempo, divulgarei informação mais detalhada sobre as sessões de treino, locais, datas, propósito, etc.
Para já, posso adiantar que pretendemos fazer um treino de resistência na zona a Amareleja, onde está a ser instalado o maior parque de fotovoltáicos do mundo! E um outro treino de pernas na zona de Sagres / Vila do Bispo, onde existe um importante parque eólico.


Nash equilibrium

Climate change is, as far as I know, the first chance mankind gets to work together for the common good.

It brings back images from George Wells’ ‘The War of the Worlds’ - humanity united for the first time, striking back at a common threat. This simple idea attracted me and seemed worth exploring.

The climate change problem is unprecedented. It affect us all in a way nothing did before. Besides the solutions to the problem, some kind of new platforms for international collaboration may be launched.

I was reading at Time magazine, about the Sino-Japan Friendship Center for Environmental Protection. The name says it all! What other reason could put China and Japan fraternally working together? If China and Japan can set aside their historical clash, for the common good…so it may other traditional archenemies. Global warming might be the very best thing that happened to mankind so far!

For the first time in history, mankind can leverage the beautiful metaphor of Nash equilibrium.

After the Kilimanjaro, I may challenge myself to find sponsors on both sides of a conflict area. Two countries might contribute equally to the same common cause.

I’m not trying to flash the pacifist flag in this post…just highlighting some facts…this is more of a vision…more like a dream, if you want.


In a nutshell

O nosso cabeçalho diz:

Ice Care pretende mostrar ao mundo, em tempo real, os efeitos e consequências do aquecimento global.

Como prevemos atingir esses objectivos?

Se queremos ‘mostrar ao mundo’ temos que utilizar os media. Para isso vamos tornar-nos dignos de notícia. Além de atingirmos os glaciares de formas pouco convencionais (bicicleta, kayak, ou o que quer que seja que nos passe pela cabeça), vamos ainda convidar uma figura pública para nos acompanhar em cada uma das expedições.
Para o Kilimanjaro já assegurámos a cobertura televisiva por um canal de televisão nacional e estamos a negociar a realização de um programa noutro canal internacional. Também já falámos com uma ‘vedeta’ que se interessou em participar.
E a piada é que, naturalmente, ainda não podemos revelar o nome de nenhum dos 3!

Para conseguir o ‘tempo real’, vamos usar a internet. Criaremos um site onde o mundo poderá testemunhar a alteração dos 5 glaciares. Estes 5 locais são sintomáticos do problema a nível global. O Ice Care colocará simples instrumentos de medida dos glaciares, que tornam o fenómeno mais visível. Utilizaremos sempre referências muito simples, como desenhar o perímetro do glaciar, no dia da nossa chegada e comparar posteriores fotografias de satélite, com o perímetro inicial. Não queremos nada muito científico! Aí estaríamos a perder a comunicação com o nosso público alvo – o cidadão comum, como nós, que não se sente de forma nenhuma estimulado por gráficos.
Se os media quiserem dar uma ajuda e fazer um ponto de situação regular, será optimo!

Em alguns destes locais, as ‘consequências’ para a população já foram amplamente estudadas. No Kilimanjaro não. Sempre que esses estudos não existirem, serão realizados por nós. Uma equipa especializada que acompanha a expedição, estudará as consequências do desaparecimento dos glaciares, para a subsistência das populações locais.



This week on Time magazine of a total 12 full page ads, 4 of them were about environmental responsibility. This must mean something!

Shell claims to have found, after 30 years of research, a clean fuel.
Arcelor Mittal states it is developing systems to recycle domestic garbage.
Total shows an iceberg above water mirroring a city, with the title: ‘common interests’.
Honda has a monochromatic engine, and says ‘environmentally responsible’.

I’d like very much to believe this is not only putting money where their conscience should be…


On track

Since I started creating the Ice Care project, I’ve been researching about climate change.
I recently came across one of the most interesting PDFs so far. The document was created by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and World Heritage Convention, and it’s called ‘Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage’.

It highlights the effects of climate change in some world heritage locations, in 5 main areas:
. glaciers
. marine biodiversity
. terrestrial biodiversity
. archeologic locations
. historical cities

‘Glaciers’ was the first thing that caught my eye.
The document highlights 5 glaciers at risk:
. Kilimanjaro National Park (United Republic of Tanzania)
. Sagarmatha National Park (Nepal)
. Huascarán National Park (Peru)
. Ilulissat Icefjord (Denmark)
. Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn (Switzerland)

Evidently, I was very happy to realize I’m on the right track!
The other 4 glaciers might very well be Ice Care’s next destinations!


Geek na engrenagem

Hoje tomei o pequeno almoço com a Nicky (aka Ana Sutcliffe) a nossa geek de serviço, como ela se auto-intitula. A verdade é que, geek ou não, é ela que tem preparado a componente científica do Ice Care. É ela que lá vai descobrindo as soluções para cada nova maluqueira que me passa pela cabeça. Hoje atirei-lhe mais uma.

A ideia do poste estava a começar a fazer-me comichão. O projecto estava cada vez mais redondinho, mas o poste ainda era uma aresta por limar. Subir 5,895 metros com um poste às costas, convenhamos que não apetece. Além disso precisávamos de autorização do parque natural para perfurar o glaciar. Finalmente monitorar um poste, a cada 6 meses, à distância, não parecia tarefa fácil – teriamos que contratar guias de montanha para subir e tirar fotografias regulares.
Surgiu-me uma nova ideia que me parece muito mais lógica. Em vez de um poste, vamos estender uma faixa simbólica à volta de um dos glaciares (ou pelo menos de uma parte). Mais fácil de transportar e não precisa de autorização do parque, porque não destroi e não é permanente.
A faixa será retirada no regresso, mas o seu significado permanecerá, desenhado sobre uma imagem de satélite, formando o perímetro do glaciar.
Com este método muito simples, as pessoas em casa, poderão ter uma ideia muito mais clara, do retrocesso do glaciar, por comparação com o perímetro inicial.
Só temos que contratar um serviço de imagens de satélite...e aqui entra a imprescindível ajuda da Nicky e do seu dispendioso Masters Project focused on the use of Satellite images for climate studies, with special emphasis on studies of impacts of climate change, pela Universidade de Southampton.

O Zé Diogo, outra peça fundamental deste puzzle de competências, teria vindo também fazer companhia se não estivesse neste momento no Alasca a escalar o McKinley. De nós os 3, tenho que admitir que eu sou o mais dispensável! Eu sou uma espécie de energia criativa que subjas a tudo, que está na base de tudo, mas que não tem nenhuma função específica na engrenagem final.


Compromisso ICE CARE

O último texto deste blog é de Janeiro. Não tenho actualizado o blog, não porque não tenha material, mas porque não tenho parado.
Por insólito que possa parecer, em Fevereiro e Março, visitei 11 cidades (Londres, Zurich, Geneve, Bern, Zagreb, Dubai, Atenas, Maputo, Madrid, Las Vegas e Nova York) em 4 continentes diferentes. Nas passagens por Portugal, sentia-me como uma baleia que vem à superficie respirar por breves instantes, para submergir de novo. A metafora não desculpa a falta de civismo ecológico das minhas horas de voo – isso é outro problema que tenho que resolver a breve prazo.

Apesar da vida de caixeiro-viajante que tenho levado, consegui ir mantendo alguns contactos, trocando opiniões, tendo ideias. Uma das ideias que tive, entre Londres e Zurich, foi a de criar uma lista de empresas que se comprometessem com o ambiente, assinando uma espécie de carta de intenções Ice Care. Neste documento as empresas deveriam comprometer-se a reduzir as suas emissões de carbono, durante os próximos anos. As reduções de todas as empresas associadas, poderiam em teoria, atrasar desaparecimento dos glaciares. Ainda que quase insignificante, alguns minutos na melhor das hipoteses, seria uma conquista, um estandarte, um pequeno embrião de mudança! A correlação dos dois factores não é linear, nem há uma relação de causalidade directa entre o comportamento de uma vintena de empresas portuguesas, com os glaciares do Kilimanjaro... mas, mais uma vez, é uma imagem com impacto. Se umas dezenas de pequenas empresas estiverem dispostas a fazer um grande esforço para manter as neves por mais 2 minutos que seja, talvez várias centenas de pessoas lhes quisessem seguir o exemplo e talvez estas falem a outras e assim, talvez, em teoria, se consiga perpetuar os glaciares para que o meu filho Manuel (que quando for grande quer fazer “xecalada comó Pai”), possa em 2030 subir o Kilimanjaro e ver os glaciares.



Entrámos no ano da concretização, segundo esperamos, da primeira iniciativa do projecto Ice Care.

Como se impõe, lá engoli uma passa, nas badaladas, à conta do Kilimanjaro – este ano fiquei-me por 7...não consegui pensar em mais desejos.

Estou confiante na concretização da subida, ainda este ano...mas o que é facto é que nada me garante que irei alguma vez realizar esta, ou as outras iniciativas Ice Care.

O projecto está numa fase crítica...neste momento Ice Care não é mais do que um blog na net....que pode nunca chegar a passar disso.

Todos os meus projectos passam por este limbo de imaterialidade.
Desde que a ideia nasce até que se solidifica em algo concreto, passa por vários degraus de concretização. Cada novo passo torna o projecto mais sólido e geralmente, é possível identificar, com alguma segurança o ponto de não retorno. Há um momento em que se sente que uma ideia ganhou vida própria e que, com as suas próprias pernas pode avançar independente do seu criador. Ice Care está longe dessa fase.

Por enquanto, há que deixar correr o devir natural de cada pequena etapa, para a solidificação da estrutura final.